Thursday, January 20, 2005

Rosy Cruickshank

James Mason, Jackie Mason and Nick Mason.

What do they have in common?

They all belong to a secret society.

It's ancient, mysterious and rumoured to have a strong influence on world affairs

Got it?

That's right.

They are all card-carrying members of the Friends of Bosun

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

slip, slop, slap of the tongue

'You were tossing and turning all night'

-yeah, i think i had some weird dreams. Sorry if i kept you up.

'You kept putting my hand over your cock, which was fine for a while but every time i wanted to move you'd grab my wrist and put it right back'

-sorry. i don't know what i was thinking. i don't really remember my dream or why i was doing that'

'And you kept calling me "Bosun".' '


'Who is she, Dave? Who is she?'

An Upcoming Electron

It's true. Money doesn't grow on trees

Unless you're a squirrel.

Find out the latest Euro - Acorn - Sterling exchange rates and how to do a little bit of arbourtrage, here, here and here

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Banal Sex

There's a lot of inventions going on over at a certain blog of note - Grist to the mill, i say. Here's mine....

A lifesize, meat-stuffed replica of my own dear arse.

Because when all's said and done, we'd all like to know what it's like to fuck ourselves*

Her's a guy who knows and has written extensively on the subject

*it would also provide excellent storage for the lifesize, meat-stuffed replica of my cock for the rare times when it's not 'on duty'

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

ladybird? that's a tautology, innit

when i was a lad my parents told me not to pick up earwigs because they would eventually make their nests in my ear

just to be safe, i avoided cuntworms too.

for a list of other insex on the list